Till now, I then realised and understand that everybody has different opinions towards certain things and stories.
What we have in mind, it's better if we keep it to ourselves to prevent further arguments.
What other criticisms, it's better off if we choose to ignore them and go our own way.
Because readers life is yours, you have to pave it according to your own wishes, not according to others' will.
But be sure to know that whatever outcomes your decision gets you to, you'll have to accept them willingly and overcome them with fortitude.
That's called living life the right way.
Hey guys, I'm back from my m'sia trip !
Really thank God for making it so wonderful and blessed.
Yup, I'm truly blessed by all of my relatives. Had been to many places, had been treated with yummy meals and suppers..
And that is why I said I felt really really blessed and loved.
And God is the provider, all glory to Him ;)
Aunts drove us to have our x'mas shopping, bought stuffs (well this will be a head title for everything I had bought; Yeah I'm lazy to blurt all out here..)
Saw my cousin's baby- she's adorable & beautiful too!
...and there's so much more to write.. duh
I wondered when will I finish typing all those? Wait.. No. I doubt I will finish typing.
I guess it would be best for them to remain in my brain as memories then. HAH.
And ooooh yeah, there's church for me tmrw. :o
Well yessss, there's church for me forever always sundays. Haha :D
It has to be cause God is the top priority to everything else.
Umm, shall end my post right here? /:
Alright, since there's no more big issues for me to tell you guys..
Then, a goodbye to you, for the time being !
Seriously, I feel like quitting my job. *rolled eyes*
I've learnt to keep my comments to myself when everyone's opinions were going the opposite direction as mine.
It doesn't matter if you have no say in the crowd, by listening you're being wise as you can learn and gain new knowledge which haven't cross your mind before.
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