From my life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
Hi !
I clearly remembered I'd once posted The Importance of Faith as my status in Facebook before.
Was super inspired by Jayesslee's song on youtube channel.
And hahaha yeah, you could count this as a reason why I'm here typing a blogpost regarding Faith ;)
I've talked about how Faith is often seemed insignificant to many of us.
And very very often When speaking of that tiny faith
It does not matter how great you are, what have you done
But it actually really does matters a lot - Do you have faith in yourself or not. :)
But wait a moment.
Saying you had faith is plainly just a slogan, acting out you have faith is then what makes your life more valuable .
How many one of us actually kept our faith during tough times, bitter moments in life?
I believed most of us have already failed the task of demonstrating faith in our own personal life.
We always asked our favourite questions of why is this and that happening.
We got emotionally breakdown .., etc.
It would also be lying to say we hadn't doubt ourselves before during awful times, am I right?
And today I wanna let you guys know that it is rather important to still have your faith
even in times where you felt shitty and crappy..
Admittedly, I don't give way to my mind that things will reverse by itself or
things will suddenly turn out the way that I like.
But instead, I will make them into my own history.
That is how I managed awful life issues, though sometimes yeah I admit I could get upset and really disappointed.
But as how I encouraged myself, I advised readers not to get overly sad.
And most probably you guys have heard this before :
Let your past make you better, not bitter.
Exactly. We shouldn't even dwell onto them anymore.
However that wasn't enough still.
We gotta pick up faith to drive ourselves further down the road.
Because let us think. Without faith, what are we left? What other great achievements can we possibly do?
Hmm well maybe Yes, we could still be alive. Wealthy and healthy, no broken arms or legs..
But how long can we last emotionally?
That is the reason why we need faith. Having faith in yourself. (:
Doing so, we believed we'll get better after each fall ; we'll get stronger after crying ;
we also feel better, happier when we began to cast faith into our daily life.
Otherwise, we'll keep remaining as who we are right now.
And we cannot become who we want to be if we were to remain as who we are.
Perhaps today, you came across my blog all of a sudden and read this.
And as you are here today, if you're feeling down, terrible and awful
I truly hoped this video song below and with the addition of some of my words above could stir up your emotions, spirits towards positive side and also not forgetting, to pump up your faith level that would go with you all your whole life !
The lyrics was very inspiring. I was moved :
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