Hi dreaded emotions and happenings,
I dare you try to put me down once more.
And I wanted to let you know that whatever it takes
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain.
Because failure was never an option for me.
I dare you try to put me down once more.
And I wanted to let you know that whatever it takes
I'm just gonna dance right through the pain.
Because failure was never an option for me.
Had my once-in-a-lifetime Grad.Day in HS today. And it's a memorable one, really thanks to all the teachers who spent countless efforts in preparing this meaningful event for all of us.
Was utterly surprised by the vid showcase.
Honestly, it had never ever crossed my mind that our secondary one's photos and orientation vids are still well-kept.
Well yeah, mr edwin chong is indeed very thoughtful. Just that I didn't expect that he was.
I'm sure, I would not be able to forget today, my friends and teachers, and the faces I've seen in this school..
I'm so blessed by having a chance to have them to be part of my memory.
And not forgetting that all of these were God's works.
He is super good beyond words. HAHA. :D
After Grad.Event, soonmin and me headed off to pepperlunch at mall before the dismissal time.
Whoops. I hope it doesn't really matter; we were told 'you all may leave now' by our teachers.
Anyway, I guessed it's okay.
And then we met Geraldine, a friend of soonmin from Cedar Girls' for lunch.
I didn't order anything to eat though, can you imagine that very little and pathetic buffet lunch have filled my tummy to the max?
It's rather awkward to watch 'em eating ; I guessed my appetite have shrank recently.
Jesus bless me ya?
At the same time, I'll also try to take in more supplements to maintain my nutrients level.
For the sake of my national exams, I have to stay healthly and fit.
And that is why I'm going to have my second jog this weekend.
Bringing myself to the park for this jog is kind of a tough task to me as I'm not the sporty type of girl.
However, it'll do me good. I know. :)
So yup right now, I obliged myself to only just stay at home for revision--I'm going to jog at least twice a week.
Ohyes, I'm cool. I know. (No really, that's was just a joke and very random lol)
Dedication to friends who have left unerase-able footprints in my life :
I know there're people out there who are right for me and who aren't.
I know there're people out there who I can get along well with and those who I can't.
Out of my class, my CCA, my school, there's only a few.
They aren't the most popular girls in school, the smartest, the prettiest, the kindest, the richest or the nicest.
They're the ones whom I always hang around with, whom I always talked to,
whom I always shared my laughters, my heartfelt issues with.
These few little yet unforgettable friends, I just wanna you all to know that
I cherished every moments with you guys.
Thankyou for all this years of us creating our memories together, being there for one another (although i know we rarely do), and tolerating and accepting my flaws and mistakes.
There're times where all of us have offended one another indirectly with the words from our mouth and all this while, perhaps we've never had a chance to apologise or we've never managed to put down our pride, and have the courage to apologise once.
It's not easy to do so, we all knew..
And right here today, if I've ever offended you guys, let me have this chance to apologise to you:
I'm sorry.
And thankyou if you're willing to accept this stupid yet late apology.
Lastly, I love you all my girl friends. ♥
I know that it's a bit too early for me to write this dedication.
But why not? Since I'm just nice in the right mood to write this, I might as well complete it today !
Yeah it's a rather long post I would say. Sorry about that , readers.
Hope you won't mind.
P.S. Do you still have feelings for her?
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