So we fight through the hurt and we cry.
Amongst the milllion Nemos deep in the sea, I found my eyes only set on you.
Love is so simple, so ethereal, so lovely-
But why would we humans made it so complicated to understand and difficult to happen?
Was this too much to ask for?
All I hoped for was a simpler life, enveloped with love, peace, friends, families, living my happy days down the road.
And nothing more.
Richness, wealth, beauty, fame, popularity, sports car, mansion.
I wanted neither of them.
So what even if I have conquered them all, would they guarantee my happiness?
You know people around always misunderstood my definition of life; Life is not being successful in future, having earned lots and lots of dollars.
It's all about me seeking for true happiness, living as an ordinary girl.
I just wanted a perfect ordinary blissful life. With my loved ones and Jesus.
Yes, this is all I asked for. All I ever hoped for.
Peace. Fairness. Equality.
Why can't our society not have those academic barriers in between all of us?
Why they have to distinguish the A's and the D's.
Why makes us live in a world of judgement, separating our status, causing jealously to occur over and over again between humans during competition?
Does it matters so much to be able to differentiate the rich and the poor; the A's and the D's?
Look. From young, we've already learnt how to judge, how to criticise, how to fight for what's ours.
That is why, right now, it has caused me so much pain as things have been slipping off my hands, out of control.
I'm starting to lose people that I loved.
I'm about to lose friends who can be together with me, and which in the past it happened before.
If not so much of our differences in academic, appearances, family background
they will not distant themselves away from me.
In history , jealously and inferiority took over in my past friendships.
Like a evil thing, it brings upon misery and bitterness.
It broke that very little yet precious thing : love
Where originally it can takes our emotions utmost high, it was unfortunately replaced by jealously and inferiority.
Just like a mystery, it caused me to wonder how jealously and inferiority managed to etch into our, humans hearts.
Where does it emitted from? Again, I wanted to know.
There and then, I realised -It's our differences & comparison.
As soon as I found out this heartbreaking truth, it's no other than like hitting myself on a cold hard stonewall.
She's seen the photo; She got jealous for God knows what's the reason.
Can't you figure out that she is a girl loving you right here?
You're just like her fire, her obsession, her favourite, her desire.
Please , don't ever leave her alone .
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