Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sweet misfortune.

Be careful of what you say to someone today. Cos tomorrow they may not be here.
And you can't take it back.

Yes, blogging has been getting more and more boring. In fact, to be truthful
I got nothing to do other than facebooking, and this, and checking my twitter and mailbox, really.
Super pathetic right?
That beats why technology is upgrading itself so fast, iPhone, iPad, iPod, iCloud and so on.
Sooner or later, i guess computer and lappys would soon be gone. and replaced by all the i's. (:

And mostly during late noons or evenings, where most of the assignments of the day were done,
my online mode will be switch on.
But seriously, when all these get really super duper bored, i will stupidly browse for anything that i can search for.
Like visiting blogshops' sites, searching for tutorials vids, nutritional facts and products information, to really just to occupy my relaxation time.
My definition of relaxation is no other than sitting there comfortably on technology massage chair with a cup of brewed tea :) plus this internet.
To you guys, it may seemed rather 'no life' and boring, but I had been used to this of mine lifestyle.
To be a little bit more interesting, it'll be a book of my favourite author-Minter (: matching with brewed tea after a cold bath.
Oh, does this sounds wrong? =/ uhm, s'pore is hot so yeah, i usually refresh myself by taking cold baths rather than hot bath.
And at times when I got cranky, it will be ice-cream and teevee.
Or iced coffees with earpiece stuck in my ears.
If weather is good, will be outta for shopping with sis. And this's what I wanna do this weekend, yeah.
As for nights, right at this moment I'm watching this great korean dramashow known as Brillant Legacy.
Aside of that, i normally saved time for housechores and not sure if you know mom-daughter chat?
Yes, it comes naturally when she's free and so do i. am I'm the only teen in a million who does that?
Oh well but it's beneficial , do you guys know that?
Try doing it more often, even if it does feel awkward talking out your own problems and feelings. Because then, your parents will understand you better and
yeah, you will find yourself hardly have conflicts with them.
Isn't it lovely?
Then one whole family will be happy happy always. Aww ;)

Alright, am i spilling out too many beans bout my lifestyle?
Maybe I did. Ooops. Nah they're just too little, many more but i needa off to revise and rest.
HA, too bad. (:

How many friends are there for you when you really needed them?

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